Missions & Ministries
Provides a space where community members can access nutritious food and essential resources.
Back to School Bash
We provide school supplies to 200+ students in the Otter Creek Community.
One Day Serve Local Missions Experience
Serve local is a local missions movement that happens on One Day where churches plan and participate in service based mission projects to make kingdom impact on their local community.
International Mission Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
We provide financial support for missionaries, enabling disciples to be made and churches to be multiplied around the world.
Mission Team
Otter Creek Community Church values showing the love of Christ to our community, state, national, and international neighbors. Our love is demonstrated through sharing the gospel and serving others.
We provide a safe, fun environment for neighborhood children and families to learn about the resurrection of Christ.
Annie Armstrong Mission Easter Offering
We provide financial support and focused for church planters in the United States, Canada, and US Territories in the month of March.
We provide prayer, Bible lessons, and engagement to youth residing at AJATC.
Dorcas House and Nehemiah House
We provide financial, material support, ministry programs to Dorcas and Nehemiah residential outreach programs.
Family & Friends Day
We invite our friends, families, and the immediate Otter Creek Community to experience the love of Christ with worship, fellowship, and food.
We provide a safe, fun environment for neighborhood families to fellowship on October 31.